Parvo Appeal

Did you know that one tablespoon of parvo diarrhoea has enough virus to infect and kill over 10 MILLION dogs??  IT IS HERE IN TASMANIA

The staff at Hobart Community Vets knows only too well the devastation to the puppy/dog population Parvovirus is causing.  We still get that sickening feeling when we see a creature so small and beautiful look so weak and lifeless and unfortunately this is only too familiar because of Parvo.

What is parvo?

Parvovirus is a highly contagious and sturdy virus that lodges in the small intestine of dogs.  It strips the inside lining of their intestine resulting in internal haemorrhage, bloody diarrhoea, vomiting and incredible pain. The parvo puppies become malnourished, starved and dehydrated because they can’t absorb food.  Left untreated death results within several days.


How do they get Parvo?

Parvo is such a sturdy and highly contagious virus that lives in the environment for years.  It infects dogs through faecal oral contamination and has a higher incidence in puppies.

Traditionally Parvo was thought to be a summer disease however in Hobart we have seen a direct increase in parvo infected puppies entering the hospital 3-5 days after a rainfall which usually occurs in Autumn, Winter and Spring.

How do I stop my dog/puppy catching parvovirus?

Vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate!  Because parvo is so sturdy and highly contagious we cannot remove it from the environment, so the best form of protection for your dog comes through vaccination.

The core C3 vaccination includes protection against parvo.  It is really important to return to your vet for ALL puppy shot boosters and annual/triannual boosters throughout your dogs adult life.

Please also keep your puppy away from unvaccinated dogs and secure them in a yard away from ‘high risk’ areas where contamination is likely to be high, eg dog beaches, leash free parks, any back yard where parvo has been diagnosed.

What happens if my dog/puppy catches Parvovirus?

There is no antidote for Parvo.  Treatment requires 4-14 days of intensive care with the aim of keeping their bodies alive as long as possible so their immune system can fight off the virus.  Puppies/dogs require rehydration therapy, nasogastric tubes and forced feeding, supplements, blood testing, faecal testing, pain relief, antiemetics, transfusions, gut protectants, IV antibiotics, antidiarrhoeals, colloid therapy and intensive care monitoring.  The cost of parvo is several thousand per puppy.  Hobart Community Veterinary Hospital treats over 100 parvo puppies/dogs EVERY YEAR and unfortunately many people cannot afford the treatment.

Please help the Tasmanian dog population by sponsoring treatment of a parvo puppy.

  • $50 will pay for a nasogastric tube placement – this stops them starving while their intestinal lining is sloughing
  • $20 will help stop a parvo puppy vomiting for 24 hours
  • $10 will provide enough absorbent pads for 2 days to keep them clean and comfortable
  • $250 will pay for a plasma transfusion – this is will provide their blood with protein and antibodies and can help give them an extra 24-48 hours to fight the virus.
  • $350 will pay for the first 24 hours of treatment
  • $2500 will pay for treatment of a parvo puppy for 7 days

Make a donation

Mail; – Attn: Happy Pet fund
Hobart Community Veterinary Hospital
8-10 Colebrook Street Lenah Valley TAS 7008

Bank Deposit;– Acct Name: G2Z Ltd
BSB: 084 707 Account: 188 416 664
Reference: Happy Pet Fund

Contact us today!

Please feel free to call or visit us today, or you can make an enquiry online!

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8-10 Colebrook Street
Lenah Valley, TAS, 7008

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  • Mondays: CLOSED
  • Tues - Friday : 8am – 6pm
  • Saturday, Sunday:: CLOSED
  • April 25th: CLOSED
  • June 28th: 8am-4pm